Stormyield - APY's Next Generation Crypto Yield Log Remains Highest in Crypto
StormYield envisions a world where people are free from the control of financial institutions. We want to offer a decentralized, transparent and fair financial platform.
STY swept the Defi world with its unique Storm Yield Protocol, which offers a decentralized financial asset that rewards its holder at a continuous, fixed compound interest. Buy-Hold-Earn $STY for APY remains the highest in Crypto, plus every 5 minutes. Watch your portfolio grow faster than direct lighting in your wallet.What are DAOs?
A Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) is an organization designed to be automated and decentralized. They act as a form of venture capital fund, based on open source code and without a centralized management structure.All organizational transactions are recorded and maintained on the blockchain. The interests of DAO members — if properly respected — are heard and acted upon. Therefore, DAOs are transparent and, in theory, incorruptible. All organizational transactions are recorded and maintained on the blockchain.
StormYield Finance's unique elementsStormYield Finance is an excellent staking service with unique elements designed to provide great benefits to $STY holders.Secure betting service: 5% of all trading fees are deposited in the STY Insurance Fund which helps maintain betting rewards by
maintaining price stability.
Highest and easiest staking: Staking with StormYield Finance just got easier than others. Investors only need to STAY TO EARN $STY with the highest APY at 669.212%.Lightning speed rebase rate and payouts: $STY holders will receive a reward every 05 minutes (288 times/day), making STY the fastest automated pooled finance platform in the crypto world.Automatic burning: One of the most unique features is THE LIGHTNING ROD — a progressive burning mechanism. The STY Lighting Rod protects the STY protocol by reducing circulating supply and maintaining higher STY prices over time.Auto CompoundThe STY Auto-Compound feature uses a simple Hold to Earn mechanism where you can receive rebase rewards as interest payments directly to your wallet by simply holding $STY tokens.STY allows $STY tokens to be paid out proportionally in exchange for rebase epochs. With Crypto's Highest Payout Auto-Staking & Auto-Compounding protocol and APY remains the industry's largest at 669,212.62%, all BSC wallets holding $STY tokens receive an automatic compound interest reward of 0.00838% every 5 minutes.StormYield Finance provides an innovative, highest and easiest mechanism to profit from staking $STY by applying the power of compound interest.STY Insurance Fund (SIF)SIF stands for STY Insurance Fund. SIF is a separate wallet within the STY system, which is backed by 5% of the Buy and Sell trading fees collected in the SIF wallet.SIF operates as an Insurance fund consistently paying a 0.00838% rebase rate to all $STY holders every 5 minutes to ensure price continuity, avoid flash crashes and drive long term growth of the STY Protocol.Hurricane Proceeds Insurance Fund Recipient: 0xF1F47f90F6c8dF3aB27EfD1e7ED91fCe819814cDTreasury STYThe Ministry of Finance plays a central role in the STY Protocol. In the event of an extreme price drop or an unprecedented black-swan event, the Treasury will send support to SIF, keeping prices stable and sustainable for the long term.Treasury also funds our marketing campaigns, community activities, investments and R&D of future products.lightning rodThe Lighting Rod is the original Burning mechanism of the STY Protocol. 2.5% of all $STY traded is burned on the Lighting Rod.The more that is traded, the more liquidated Rod is. Just like how real-life lightning rods cancel lightning threats, STY Lightning Shield protects the STY Protocol by reducing the circulating supply, thereby combating positive rebase interest and keeping the protocol sustainable.STY Automatic Liquidity Machine (SALE)Liquidity is a pool of money divided 50/50 between $STY tokens and $BNB tokens, allowing anyone to buy & sell their STY/BNB at any time.However, you cannot get a good price if there is not enough liquidity in the pool. Thus, the STY Team designed the STY Auto-Liquidity Engine (SALE) to automatically inject more liquidity into the original Liquidity Pool.Long Term Interest Cycle (LIC)To maintain sustainability and future growth, STY Finance has introduced the Long-term Interest Cycle (LIC) feature, which allows $STY token holders to enjoy perpetual compound interest.Each Flower Cycle is 5 minutes long and is referred to as an EPOCH.There are 105,120 EPOCHs in 1 year.EPOCH 1–105,120: 0.00838% per EPOCH (First 12 Months)EPOCH 105,120-157,680: 0.00066% every EPOCH (next 6 months)EPOCH 157,680: 0.00006% every EPOCH (Forever until maximum supply is reached)Long Term Interest Cycle (LIC)To maintain sustainability and future growth, STY Finance has introduced the Long-term Interest Cycle (LIC) feature, which allows $STY token holders to enjoy perpetual compound interest.Each Flower Cycle is 5 minutes long and is referred to as an EPOCH.There are 105,120 EPOCHs in 1 year.EPOCH 1–105,120: 0.00838% per EPOCH (First 12 Months)EPOCH 105120-157,680: 0.00066% every EPOCH (6 months ahead)EPOCH 157,680: 0.00006% every EPOCH (Forever until maximum supply is reached)
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Fair Launch at PinkSale20-year Locked Liquidity BY PINKLOCK
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